ISS Best Presentation Award
ISS2024 Best Presentation Award Winners
Physics and Chemistry: PCP2-4
Unconventional superconductivity in BaPtAs1-xSbx with the ordered honeycomb network
Tsuyoshi Imazu, Hirosaki University
Wires and Bulk: WB6-2
Harmonic Modelling Technique and Integral Method for Analysis of AC Losses in HTS Tapes of Linear Motor
Emma Gottardi, Eindhoven University of Technology
Electronic Device: ED6-4
Assessing the effectiveness of superconducting magnetic shielding structures for the Josephson voltmeter
Daiki Matsumaru, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Large Scale Applications: AP3-2
Numerical simulation for AC loss estimation of multi-bundled no-insulation REBCO coils under fluctuating external fields
Takanobu Mato, Hokkaido University
The best presentation will be awarded for students or young scientists under 33 years old.
※Invited speakers are not eligible for the award.
Please apply for ISS Best Presentation Award by providing following information
1. First Name
2. Family Name
3. Presentation ID
4. Age
by email at issaward[at]
A prizewinner for each technical categories PC, ED, WB and AP will be selected from all those who apply.
Closing date for applications : 29 November 31 October .