Recent progress on the development of low AC loss MgB2 wires in Hitachi

9:45-10:15 Dec.3

*TANAKA Hideki1, SUZUKI Takaaki1, KODAMA Motomune1, KOTAKI Hiroshi1, MATSUMOTO Akiyoshi2 and NISHIJIMA Gen2
Hitachi, Ltd., Omika, Hitachi, Ibaraki, 319-1292 JAPAN1
NIMS, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 JAPAN2
Abstract Body

MgB2 wire is a superconducting wire that can be used at a liquid hydrogen temperature of 20K, and it is expected to be utilized in both static magnetic field applications and variable magnetic field applications. The main issue in the development of wire for variable magnetic field applications is the suppression of AC losses, which consist of hysteresis losses and coupling losses. In recent years, we have been studying the reduction of AC losses in MgB2 wire [1][2]. Figure 1 shows an example of a cross-section of a wire with a diameter of 0.31mm and 51 filaments. In this symposium, we will report on the filament diameter dependence of the critical current characteristics of the MgB2 wire for low AC loss.


[1] H Tanaka, et al. : Abstracts of CSSJ Conference Vol.103 (2022) p.61
[2] H Tanaka, et al. : Abstracts of CSSJ Conference Vol.104 (2022) p.75


Figure 1. Cross-sections of 0.31 mm 51-filaments MgB2 wire.

Keywords: MgB2, AC Loss, Critical current, filament diameter