TiSe2 is a transition-metal dichalcogenide that exhibits a 2a0 × 2a0× 2c0 charge density wave (CDW) at temperatures below 202 K, where a0 and c0 are lattice constants. Moreover, superconductivity is induced in TiSe2 by employing doping or high pressure. Extensive research on TiSe2 has been conducted and has provided knowledge on the CDW properties and the coexistence or competition of the induced superconductivity with the CDW. However, the driving mechanism for the CDW remains unresolved, though the exciton condensation mechanism and the band-type Jahn–Teller mechanism have been proposed.
One way to address the question of the CDW driving mechanism is to investigate the energy gap of CDW, the CDW gap, which is related to the driving mechanism. Several studies have used scanning tunneling microscopy/scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STM/STS), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to investigate the CDW gap size for TiSe2 and the energy at which the CDW gap opens. They also discussed the driving mechanism with reference to information about the CDW gap. However, the estimated gap size and the energy at which the gap opens vary among the previous studies. Thus, a consensus understanding of the CDW gap has not been attained.
In the present study, we investigated the CDW gap in TiSe2 by performing STM/STS measurements. We observed spatial variation in the tunneling spectrum. In addition, in the STM images, we found that the CDW pattern changed depending on the bias voltage. In the symposium, we will discuss the energy where the CDW gap opens in TiSe2.