
Wirebond impedance matching of superconducting qubits

13:15-14:45 Dec.4

*Qingling Zhu, Hong Su
University of Science and Technology of China
Abstract Body

High fidelity and fast readout of qubit states are crucial for quantum computation and communication, as well as the premise of quantum error correction. Dispersive readout is widely used for superconducting qubits, and the leakage rate of the readout resonator significantly affects the readout time and reset speed, especially the multi-round readout efficiency of quantum error correction. Currently, impedance mismatch at the wirebond interface is the main cause of significant fluctuations in the leakage rate of the readout resonator[1]. To address this issue, we propose an impedance matching technology that is compatible with current packaging technology and highly scalable, which can control the fluctuation of the leakage rate of the readout resonator within 20%.