
Development of Small and Lightweight Terminations for Stacked Structure Superconducting Cable for Aircraft

13:15-14:45 Dec.4

*Kei Shiohara1, Atsushi Knayama1, Michio Sato1, Tatsuhisa Nakanishi1, Kazuhisa Adachi1, Teruo Izumi2, Masataka Iwakuma3
SWCC Corporation1
Kyushu University3
Abstract Body

In the aircraft industry, there is a strong need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. New technological innovations are needed to achieve virtually zero carbon dioxide emissions [1]. One of these innovations is the aircraft electric propulsion systems using superconducting technology [2]. In our previous works, we developed triaxial superconducting cables [3]. We confirmed that 95% of transmission loss could be reduced compared to XLPE cables as an energy-saving effect through validation tests. However, they were heavy for the superconducting electric propulsion aircraft system [4]. Therefore, we have newly developed high-capacity and lightweight stacked superconducting cables with REBa2Cu3Oy (RE, rear earth) coated conductors (CCs) for superconducting propulsion systems for aircraft [4], [5]. Moreover, there is a need to design a small and lightweight cable termination structure. In this study, we demonstrated the electrode architecture of the stacked CCs superconducting cable terminations.

In the simple electrode architecture, the critical current (Ic) properties in the stacked CCs cables show the degradation of 40 – 60% at liquid nitrogen compared with a total Ic value of CCs. From its result, we need to design an electrode architecture which is suitable for the stacked CCs cables. Furthermore, we also report their results in detail.